Criticisms arab writers against sonni ali songhai
Criticisms arab writers against sonni ali songhai full!
The wealth and power of Songhay can be traced back to the Sorko fishermen who were skilled canoeists, living along the Niger, south east of Gao.
By the 9th century they were part of a state known as Songhay.
Criticisms arab writers against sonni ali songhai empire
They began to develop trading relations with Muslim traders in Gao, which then became a part of Songhay.
During the 14th century Songhay fell within the orbit of the Empire of Mali, but the rulers of Mali never managed to collect taxes from the people of Gao.
In the fifteenth century Songhay rose to pre-eminence under Sonni Ali the Great, while Mali fell into a decline.
His military forces consisted of a cavalry of expert horsemen, and fleets of canoes. He was a great military leader, with a keen understanding of tactics on land and water.
Criticisms arab writers against sonni ali songhai
He had the added advantage of being regarded as a leader with magical powers.
Songhay oral history portrays him as a conquering hero. Sonni Ali the Great expanded the territory of Songhay considerably, so th