Nikolay nekrasov biography
Nikolay nekrasov biography
Nikolay nekrasov biography summary!
Nikolay Nekrasov
- "The Money-lender" (Rostovshchik, )
- "On the Road" (V doroge, )
- "Motherland" ()
- "The Doghunt" (Psovaya okhota, )
- On the Street (Na Ulitse, ), 4 poems cycle
- "The Fine Match" (Prekrasnaya partia, )
- "Unmowed Line" (Neszhataya polosa, )
- "Vlas" ()
- "V.G.
Belinsky" ()
- Sasha ()
- "The Forgotten Village" (Zabytaya derevnya, )
- "Musings at the Front Door" (Razmyshlenya u paradnovo pod’ezda, )
- "The Unhappy Ones (Neschastnye, )
- "The Poet and the Citizen" (Poet i grazhdanin, )
- "Silence" (Tishina, )
- "The Song for Yeryomushka" (Pesnya Yeryomushke, )
- Korobeiniki ()
- "The Funeral" (Pokhorony, )
- "Peasant Children" (Krestyanskiye deti, )
- "A Knight for An Hour" (Rytsar na thas, )
- "Green Roar" (Zelyony shum, )
- "Orina, the Soldier's Mother" (Orina, mat soldatskaya, )
- The Railway (Zheleznaya doroga, )
- "Grandfather Frost the Red Nose" (Moroz, Krasny nos, )
- Contemporaries (Sovremenniki, )
- Songs of the Free Word (Pesni svobodnovo slova, –)
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