Alfred l cralle good bio

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  • Alfred l cralle ice cream scooper
  • Alfred l cralle good bio wikipedia
  • Alfred l cralle biography patent.

    Alfred Lewis Cralle ( - )

    AlfredLewisCralle aka Crallie

    Born in Kenbridge, Lunenburg County, Virginia, United States

    Son of Alpheus Lewis Cralle and Martha Ann (Street) Cralle

    Brother of William Cralle, McNoah Blue Cralle, Robert Kener Cralle, Richard Abraham Cralle, Martha Cralle, Mary Martinia (Cralle) Tucker and Ernest Noel Cralle

    Father of Marion E.

    Cralle, Alfred L. Cralle Jr and Anna B. Cralle

    Died at age 52in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States

    Profile last modified | Created 31 Mar

    This page has been accessed 33, times.


    Alfred Cralle invented the mechanical ice cream scoop in [1]

    Alfred Cralle is Notable.

    Alfred L.

    Cralle (/ˈælfɹəd ˈkɹɔli/) was born in Kenbridge, Lunenburg County, Virginia on 4 September ,[2] to parents Alfred Cralle and Martha Street. The U.S. Census recorded 3-year-old Apheus Cralle in his parents' household in Kenbridge, Lunenburg County, Virginia,[3] and the U.S.

    Census recorded year-