Leo buscaglia born for love

  • Leo buscaglia born for love
  • Born For Love: Reflections on Loving - Buscaglia!

    Born for Love: Reflections on Loving

    May 17, 2016
    It is easy to see why someone who was in a rush to purchase books for a voracious reader would see this book and think it a likely one for me to enjoy.

    Leo buscaglia born for love

  • Leo buscaglia born for love
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  • Born For Love: Reflections on Loving - Buscaglia
  • Born for love 1987
  • Born for love book
  • When I was reading it in the break room this afternoon at work, I was asked if I was reading a romance novel, and I had to demur, since this is most definitely not a romance novel. Yet my coworker was onto something, in that this book is about romantic love, as well as love in other, more vague and general senses, and the person who bought this book for me would have likely not purchased it had she read it more than a little before buying it in a rush.

    The reason for that is indicated quite plainly by the author himself, a former professor of a "love class" at the University of Southern California [1] where I attended my undergraduate studies, which coincidentally enough did not include this particular course, when he says: "Our goal, after all, is humanness, not godliness (154)." My